• News/Updates

    Update : Austin Chapter


    Its been a while since we’ve done anything, and quite frankly I’m sure we lost a good amount of our following. But while I’m up here in the Austin area I’m comfortable enough with some of the locals to start doing shoots, features, and covering events and gatherings from this point on. Although there will be a twist, all the shots I’ll be doing up here will be done in 35mm- at least from myself at this point, still trying to see if another local photographer is willing to lend a hand in doing some features with us. Either way stay tuned for content from a few hours north

  • News/Updates,  Teasers

    We Bring The Ruckus

    Dynamic Duo

    Its always good when new things start to catch on in the Valley. The Honda Ruckus has already made a big impact in the Automotive community and especially, although not limited to, the Honda crowd. We here at Gear-Trends noticed a slight growth in Ruckus Riders locally so of course we will be catering to them as well. First pair will be out later on this month- but for now we bring you a sneak peak of will be popping up from time to time. *Full Article on Ceze and Noemi’s Ruckuses coming later in April*

  • News/Updates

    Welcome To Gear-Trends.com

    Well here we have it Ladies and Gentleman- your #1 source for your South Texas Automotive Coverage. Our goal is to bring the events that you miss straight to your computer. Throughout our time here we plan to expand and bring you shots from other events out there- if it revolves around cars/trucks/bikes- you can guarantee we will be there to shoot it. We hope to get you, the reader, involved in making it out to car shows, hang outs, and getting your ride to that point that your happy with so it can possibly be a feature. With that said we hope to meet all of you at events and hopefully have your car end up on our pages. Stay safe out there on the streets, get involved in the scene. We here at Gear-Trends have noticed a decline in local import activity, hopefully you guys out there will take notice that it isn’t dead and it still has a pulse. So please register, stay active and drop us a line or a comment on our articles from time to time to let us know that you care about what we’re doing here, after all- its all for you, the enthusiasts.