
car shows, race events, thursday nights, anything goes- public gatherings

  • Events/Shows

    Back In The Saddle (Again)


    Well, here we are again. We’re less than a month away from having been completely inactive here at Gear-Trends for a full year, and trust me, it’s not a good feeling. I’d come back to look at this site, look for something local to go to, and then just stayed at home. It’s a weird feeling to have something you’re so passionate about take a backseat while life is happening, but it does happen. But what a better way to get back into it then to be at an event, at a new location, seeing cars do what they were built to do?

  • Events/Shows

    “Well the weather outside is weather”


    Sometimes planets align and I’m actually able to make it out to an event I get invited to. I still had a lot of stuff on my plate, but I realized it had been a while and you just need to make time for things like this. My buddy Thomas (Red 05′ GT Mustang) shot me a message that he’d be going to make a few passes later that night and wanted me to head out there as well. Starting my day at 6am, still having a few things to do after my shift, I knew it was going to be a long night. So after grabbing a Mountain Dew and gummy worms – I was on my way; I seriously have the dream diet of a 6 year old…livin’ it up.

  • Events/Shows

    Pulling Shots : Harlingen Cars & Coffee


    With the exception of the smell of bacon, there aren’t a lot of things that can get me out of bed early. I’m just not a morning person, and it’s too late in the game to change that. However- on rare occasions, NOT because I was scheduled to work, I’ll be up early getting my gear ready because procrastination is key- and then I’m out the door. Thankfully the first ever Cars & Coffee in Harlingen,TX starts at 9am – which is still early.